Monday, October 31, 2011

week 5

Still on track, above are the start of the hammer for joses character and the 2nd is the final model, i needed to consult jose on the final touches of it so instead of moving ahead i jumped into retopology of the axe the blade and the handle gaurd . the blade itself is only in the area of about 700 polys, much lower than i had expected and the handle is about 70. the normals are just test bakes using 3point shader in max the only thing that needs to be tweaked before a rebake is poly groups so they will show properly in the game engine, otherwise they are looking good.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

week 4 axe sculpt finished hammer sculpts progress

This week i worked on the axe sculpt which at this point i am finished with it, more will come out in texturing for sure at this point if i try to do any more its going to become muddled and to busy. the hammer is for ronys character, its not to far into the sculpting progress to far i need to get a bit more input. the symbol is finished as far as I am concerned and once the materials are decided for the rest of the parts it'll come out rather quickly.

jose said for his hammer he wanted it to seem used so i would also like to have one that looks brand spankin new so my original sculpt of the hammer is going to stay as is and just show some age and character through some diffuse textures and spec maps. all in all I' happy with my progress and should be able to meet all my deadlines for my schedule.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

week 3

This week i primarily worked on the axe, I needed practice working on sculpting metal scratches and cracks and taking up some tutorials on how to do so. Glad to say I'm happy with the results though I need to pick up the pace just a tad to keep with my schedule.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

first post for prototpying 2

This week I wrote up my production schedule, and began setting up the meshes for sculpting, it proved to be a somewhat tedious task since I had made the models in 3dsmax and zbrushes rotation is based off the whole object and not just certain parts. i had to separate the mesh into 7 pieces and re import it, i also took it upon myself to try Topogun as a new resource for rebuilding topology. 3ds max holds some good tools but cannot support the high res models from zbrush, hopefully it will save me some headaches down the road.